6~7년 정도 맥북을 사용하고 있다. 같은 기간 동안 토렌트도 맥북으로 문제 없이 잘 쓰고 있었다. 비트 토렌트(BitTorrent)도 썼었고, 유토렌트(µTorrent)도 썼고. 
또 그 동안 OS 업데이트도 여러번 한 거 같다. 마운트 라이언부터 였던가.
기존에 유토렌트를 (응용)프로그램으로 쓰던 걸, 토렌트 프로그램 업데이트를 했더니 유토렌트(µTorrent) 웹(Web) 버전으로 바뀌었다고 해서 인터넷 창에서 바로 주고받는 형식으로 쓰고 있었다. 유토렌트 웹(µTorrent Web) 버전은 살짝 불편하긴 했지만 그래도 잘 됐고 뭐…
아무튼, 2020년이 되고 오랜만에 토렌트로 파일을 다운 받으려는데 갑자기 잘 쓰던 토렌트가 열리지 않고 오류 메시지를 뱉어내고 있었다. 설치파일을 최신파일로 다시 받아도 설치는 되는데 실행이 되지 않고 오류 메시지가 나왔다. 
혹시나 해서 비트 토렌트(BitTorrent) 파일을 받아서 설치해봐도 같은 오류가 나왔다. 이전의 (응용)프로그램 형식으로 하려고 해도 되지가 않았다.
구글에 ‘맥 OS 토렌트 오류’, ‘mac os 유토렌트 오류’ 등등 검색해보니 아래와 같은 내용이 나왔다.

Why is uTorrent not working in Catalina
Most of you may be wondering what is the logic behind uTorrent not working in Catalina. And you won’t be wrong to ask yourselves this question since uTorrent is still one of the most popular torrent clients to date. However, at a closer look, we see that uTorrent is the go-to torrent client when it comes to Windows users. On Mac, the situation is a bit different and there are a lot of close contenders. Perhaps this was one of the reasons why uTorrent decided not to invest any more resources and man hours into building a 64-bit uTorrent app.
When we also take into consideration that the Mac client did not receive updates for almost an year and the most recent BitTorrent Speed release was designed for Windows users only, the picture is getting clear and clear.
So, with macOS Catalina terminating support for 32-bit apps, we are going to see the end of uTorrent on Mac devices as we know it. Of course, users that want to continue using uTorrent will be able to do so in the Web version of the client, however, those that prefer standalone apps will surely use the awesome alternative that was already presented above.

구글 번역으로 돌려보고 대강 “완벽히 이해했어” 하고 넘어간 해당 웹페이지에서 소개하는 프로그램을 다운 받아 설치했더니 토렌트가 됐다토렌트 파일은 물론 마그넷 형식으로도 다운 받아졌다.

아~ 완벽히 이해했어

검색한 곳에선 ‘Mac OS 카탈리나’ 에서의 문제를 얘기하는데 내 맥북 OS를 확인해보니 난 모하비(Mojave)였다. 지금도...
암튼혹시나 나와 같은 문제로  OS 환경에서 비트 토렌트(BitTorrent)유토렌트(µTorrent) 갑자기 실행되지 않는 분들은 Folx 라는 (응용)프로그램 써보시면   같습니다광고나 그런  아니구요 문제 없이  쓰고 있습니다.
